Saturday, September 24, 2011

Spirit Week Dress-Up Days

Sparta Middle School's homecoming spirit week will be the week before homecoming, due to MEAP testing. 

Here are our dress-up days!
Monday, October 3: slob day
Tuesday, October 4: wacky hair day
Wednesday, October 5: bring/wear a stuffed animal
Thursday, October 6: make yourself art
Friday, October 7: blue and white day

Slob Day!
Wacky Hair Day!
Bring/Wear a Stuffed Animal!
Make Yourself Art!
Wear Blue and White!


  1. what if you have a question about what you can or can't do

    Blake Walters

  2. Hey, Blake! Generally, we follow our school dress code rules (see your Student Handbook in your planner) on our spirit days. However, once in awhile the rules are bent a bit for spirit week! Feel free to ask me your question tomorrow in advisory and if I don't know the answer, I will talk to Mr. Johnson. Thanks for posting, Blake!

    Mrs. Ley


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