Monday, November 14, 2011

Social Studies Test This Week!

I hope this email finds you doing well! We are almost done with unit 2, Thematic Maps. We have completed many activities. These include workbook pages 12-21, act it out activities, and Pictionary games that I have given the kids. We will finish up the week of November 14th and take our test on November 18th. We will create a foldable with some important vocabulary and I will give the students a study guide on November 16th  (the answer key will be on the blog, and I will also give students a hardcopy), we will play a review game on November 15th. Please contact me if you have any questions. I will need a parent signature on their study guide so that I know they studied at home.

Marcy Pfahler
Sparta Middle School
6th grade science and social studies teacher

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