Friday, October 7, 2011

Social Studies Test

Dear Parents,
Today we worked on our study guide for our first unit, Tools of Geography. On Monday, we will go over the study guide, Thursday we will play a review game and on Friday, October 14th, we will take the assessment.

The answer key to the study guide is on the blog. I will give a paper copy to any one who requests one or if they do not have internet access. They may also study any of their 6 formative quizes or any workbook pages that they have completed.
Please SIGN the study guide by FRIDAY, October 14th. This will be considered your child's good faith effort in case they do not pass with a 70% or better. If your child does not pass and does not have a signature, they will be required to attend Saturday school to pass the assessment. If they do not pass, but they have a signature, they will be allowed to retake the test here at school. A 70% is the highest score they may receive on a retest.
Please let me know if there is anything else you need from me!

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